SDV INTERNATIONAL's President and Senior Associate featured in Washington Life Magazine

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SDV INTERNATIONAL's President and Senior Associate, Jason Roys and Kim Waiyaboon, respectively, were recently featured by Washington Life Magazine. The feature photograph was taken at a Creator Awards Event with WeWork.  WeWork is an American company that provides shared work spaces, technology startup subculture communities, and services for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, small businesses and large enterprises - with roughly US$20 billion valuation and 10 million square feet of office space.

Guests gathered for the event at the Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C.   It was the first event of its kind. Local purveyors and designers sold their goods, professionals and area employers connected over conversation. Sweetgreen CEO Jonathan Neman, and Axios co-Founders Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei shared their experiences in candid conversations known as Master Classes, and Jason and Kim engaged with an audience from diverse backgrounds.